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Susan Ronchi Q & A

Updated: Jan 13, 2023

How lucky I was to be welcomed onto the Submarine With Wheels for an amazing drive checking out the fabulous scenery & towns in northern Peru.

Susan hiking Machu Picchi

Name: Susan Ronchi

Age: 52

Why were you travelling: I went to meet my son barney & meet the bus family he has been travelling with

Hot or not: Definitely HOT. I started travelling on the bus from 19/12/17 until 26/12/17

How did you get on board? My son Barney had been travelling on the bus for a few months & I was keen to meet up with him and the crew he’d been travelling with & experience the yellow submarine.

First impression of the Submarine with wheels? Super awesome.

Did it live up to its name/reputation? It exceeded its reputation, such a fabulously decked out home & well organised.

Favourite feature of the bus? The gorgeous welcoming bus family couldn’t have made me feel more at home, the bus movies and the bus Christmas tree.

Biggest challenge? Having no loo! Watching Nadine navigate the narrow streets in small towns when we turned off the Pan Americana in Peru from Huanchaco to Mancora.

Where you slept on the bus? I had Barney’s bed, the lower bunk opposite the stove.

Favourite bathroom location? The little town which was built on sand with stick fences.

Barney & Susan Susan on death road, Bolivia Susan and bus crew

What did you sacrifice for buslife? A shower.

What did you contribute? Some cooking, some t-shirts.

Best bus travel tip? Read your book on one of the bunks during a journey!

Favourite bus meal/drink? Ceviche, sweet potato chips & chicha Morada (a typical Peruvian drink made from purple corn)

A recipe you learnt to make during buslife? Ceviche.

If you experienced a bus breakdown, tell us what happened. We broke down on the side of the road where a small truckload of men passionately conversing came on board to get the starter motor going.

How was it fixed? I can’t remember what they did but fiddled around for a bit & we were on our way again.

If you could relive an experience it would be? Driving along the Pan Americana Highway.

Anything we should have/do more or less of? Apart from an impossible bathroom, it’s perfect.

Compared to travelling by public transportation? Its so much friendlier & you belong to the bus family when you’re with them, and you get to explore out of the way places.

Would you recommend buslife to others? I would highly recommend bus life to others.

When we drive into Canada? I’ll open a bottle of champas & cheers you.

Anything you want to tell us? I want to thank you, Nadine, for investing in the whole concept of the Yellow Submarine & taking it on! What a feat! Fabulous driving. Thanks for sharing the bus & its adventures & being so welcoming I loved the flamingo sheets! And Barney’s birthday cake.

Thanks to my gorgeous son Barney for meeting me at Lima airport. I can’t tell you how much I loved setting eyes on you & navigating me through Peru with your Spanish & local knowledge. and hiking Machu Picchu together! I love your chess set!

Thanks to Danielle for being so welcoming & inclusive & your fantastic navigating skills & calm presence & organising of the KK! (Christmas Kris Kringle) Thanks to Leve. I’m so glad I got to meet you! Thanks for the fabulous handmade chocolate. I loved chatting with you.

You guys make a great bus family! Congratulations on navigating through the last 12 months or so - YOU ARE AWESOME!

Chess set Susan & Barney with bus cake Christmas tree


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